
your support as a ‘foster from afar’ will help change this sato’s life forever.

Rescuing often means lots of patience and building of trust, one step at a time. Swipe through the gallery above to see our rescue team member, Samuel, gaining Sandy’s confidence, one moment at a time.

Sandy showed up newly dumped on Dead Dog Beach. It took us three days, lots of snacks, and multiple attempts of earning her trust. Finally, the patience paid off and we were able to rescue her. Now this sweet girl is safely at our veterinary clinic and is completing her vetting protocols until she can fly to a forever family on the mainland. In the meantime, she would love your support to help her continue getting the care she needs along her journey. Sign up to foster Sandy from afar below.

In exchange for any gift of $24 or more, you’ll receive a special digital postcard and a link to download a printable, foldable card. You can print the postcard for yourself to show off your foster dog or give the greeting card to a loved one as a gift to let them know that a grateful sato was fostered in their honor. We’ll also keep you in the loop of Sandy’s progress.  Just like an in-person foster, you’ll be among the first to know when she completes her vetting, flies to a new family, and has all her dreams come true.  

SaNDY is no longer available to foster from afar - but that’s because she is cleared to take her Freedom Flight! If you are one of her donors, be on the lookout for an exciting update coming soon to your email.